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Year after year, the Club’s yearbooks have documented the progression of the Nassau Bay Garden Club. The early history is well-known by members:  Four neighbors gathered for coffee one morning in August 1964 when the idea of a garden club was formed. Jane Neely’s kitchen table was at the center of the discussion that led to the first meeting of the club less than a month later.

That first year, membership reached almost 50. The pansy was chosen as the club flower, blue and gold our colors. The next year, the Club was accepted as a member in good standing by the Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. and by the Houston Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. During the decade that NASA worked to plant a flag on the moon, our club swelled to over 100 members and so did our involvement with the City of Nassau Bay. We got busy with Arbor Day celebrations, memorials, yard of the month competitions, Christmas decorating contests, home tours, fundraisers, flower shows,  establishing gardens in our City, and providing a scholarship.